Pastor Eric continues our study of Revelation with the letter to the church in Sardis. This church get s a heavy rebuke from Jesus because they were “posers.” However...
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Ever want to know the key that unlocks the door of heaven? Pastor Eric continues our study of Revelation with the letter to the church in Philadelphia that understood...
In this Jesus-centered Easter message of hope, Pastor Eric shares from the Gospel of Luke as Scripture helps us answer two important questions: (1) Are we looking for...
In His letter to the churuch in Laodicea, Jesus reveals that self-sufficiency leads a dangerous condition called “spiritual lukewarmness.” And this lukewarness leave us...
The end times story presents us with a scroll, seven seals, and the saints. Pastor Eric continues our Forward Thinking study through Revelation that reveals Jesus’ role...
As God’s people we should obviously welcome the return of Jesus, but we should also welcome the judgments. Jesus uses these extreme judgments as the means of making all...