How we start matters. Pastor Eric launches into a January series called “Start Your Year Out Right” with a message encouraging us to get a “Fast Start.” Want to do what...
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Pastor Eric continues the series, “Start Your Heart Out Right” with a look at what The Key of Generosity unlocks. 1. Generosity Unlocks Miracles 2. Generosity Unlocks...
On this Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Pastor Eric Jones shares from the heart about our role in defending and rescuing the weak, needy, and oppressed; from the unborn...
Pastor Eric concludes the series, Start Your Year Out Right with a message about HEARING GOD. God is speaking and we can hear Him. In fact, God is increasing the ways HE...
Pastor Eric continues in the Book of Revelation with a look at Jesus’ letter to the church of Ephesus. Jesus reminds us that He is sovereign and has His church firmly in...
God’s Word is seriously powerful! But God has given our words power too. Pastor Eric continues our journey through the Book of Revelation and brings a reminder from...