Pastor Eric Jones talks about the shepherds of Christmas and how the choice of joy was presented to them. We have the ability to choose joy. In the...
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Pastor Eric Jones brings a message about the importance of seeking after God. While the Magi are known for bringing gifts to Jesus at the time of His...
Pastor Eric Jones shares his final message of 2019 with the statement that God wants you to remember. Remember the work that the Lord has done and...
Pastor Eric Jones begins the year in discussing what the Lord has for us in 2020. The Church is meant to be a church on mission, out in the world and...
Pastor Eric Jones returns to the sermon on the mount where Jesus talks about becoming agents of change. We are the salt and light to the world. Come...
Pastor Eric Jones continues his sermon on the mount series and brings to discussion what Jesus thought about the Law. The Law was not abolished...
Pastor Eric Jones continues the sermon on the mount series in discussion of the weight of our words. Our words matter because we matter. Our words...
Pastor Eric continues our journey through the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus brings us to the topic of adultery and once again takes it to the heart...
Pastor Eric Jones continues through the sermon on the mount and explains Jesus’ view on marriage. It is no joke! Join us at Evident Life Church on...
Pastor Eric Jones shares about how we as Christians should love. We are called to love as we have been loved by the Lord. This love is not to be kept...