Pastor Eric Jones continues the sermon on the mount series in discussion of the weight of our words. Our words matter because we matter. Our words matter because they...
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Pastor Eric continues our journey through the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus brings us to the topic of adultery and once again takes it to the heart level as He encourages...
Pastor Eric Jones continues through the sermon on the mount and explains Jesus’ view on marriage. It is no joke! Join us at Evident Life Church on sunday mornings @...
Pastor Eric Jones shares about how we as Christians should love. We are called to love as we have been loved by the Lord. This love is not to be kept just to one another...
Pastor Eric Jones continues in his sermon on the mount series and discusses what the heart of giving is. Giving and generosity are a large part of the Christian journey...
Pastor Eric Jones continues his sermon on the mount discussing prayer. Prayer is a lfiestyle that should be prevalent in the life of the believer. Join us at Evident...
Pastor Eric brings an Easter message that applies to our lives the powerful reality that the stone has been rolled away. Because Jesus walked out of the grave, so can we...
When we get “back to normal” after this coronavirus, what will our normal look like? What will our weekly schedule look like? Where will we spend our time and our...
Pastor Eric Jones returns with preaching on Pentecost this Pentecost Sunday. Often times we get so caught up in whats next that we miss the basics. Sometimes we just...
In todays’ sermon, Pastor Eric introduces Jesus as our mythbuster as He blows away 2 myths and replaces them with 2 Truths concerning who will enter the eternal kingdom...